Mon Sep 12, 12:00 PM - Sun Sep 18, 1:00 AM
3201 Buena Vista Blvd, Miami, FL 33127

Community: Miami


Negroni Midtown is celebrating Negroni week with a lineup of events every day of the week. Enjoy all-day happy hours, international DJs and guest chefs, brand new bartender creations, live bands, brunch, Ladies Night and more!

Event Details

Monday: All Negroni's in a happy hour all day long. Each of our Bartenders have created their own Negroni Special, so we will have all kind of Negroni variety to try at the cost of only $8 for the whole day.

Tuesday: Late Groove, Negroni Week edition, international DJ, and Shots for free (Negroni shots). We will celebrate our first anniversary of Late Groove.

Wednesday: Guests bartenders from Italy and Argentina will take over the bar and make their own Negroni recipes for guests.

Thursday: Ladies Night Negroni week edition. Classic “Negroni Sours” free for ladies all night.

Friday: Happy hour until 7 p.m. including special Negroni cocktails created by the bartenders.

Saturday: Live band for brunch and special DJ at night, mini negronis for free during the day. Live band Raiko Torres 1-5 p.m.

Sunday: Negroni Midtown wraps up Negroni week with a live band for brunch, Raiko Torres from 1-5 p.m. and a music showcase at night from 5 p.m. - 1 a.m. with seven different DJs.
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