Hours | Open
The #LightsCameraSelfies station is an open-air selfie “photo booth” that will take your party memories to the next level. No need to cram into a small box for a photo, our station can include nearly everyone from your group!
Once guests take their photo, they are invited to have the photo sent to them via text or email. No need to carry around strips of photos throughout the event! You can even customize the message the guests receive with their photo, thanking them for attending or sharing your event hashtags with them.
The selfie station requires an electric connection for the 15” ring light, which makes the photos look spectacular!
This new and innovative photo option will be something your guests will enjoy and remember for years to come. Our special packages rate is $325 for a 3-hour session with our generic props. A number of add-on items are available as well including physical backdrops, customized photo borders and props, follow up messages, and photo galleries for hosts.