Robert Is Here Fruit Stand was established by Robert in the late fall of 1959. At that time, six-year-old Robert was set on this very corner with some of his father's cucumber crop and told to "Sell ‘em!” Robert sat all day that Saturday and no one even stopped. That evening, Robert's father decided that "there can't be that many people who don't like cucumbers; they must not see this little boy standing here on the corner.”
The next day, Robert's father placed a sign on each side of the table proclaiming in big red letters "Robert Is Here.” By noon Robert had sold all of the cucumbers and walked home. The following weekend, a neighboring farmer added tomatoes to Robert's display and a fruit stand was born. Robert was out here on the corner every day during Christmas break with his little sister, Rose, helping him. When school started again in January of 1960, Robert's mother made arrangements for the bus to pick him up and drop him off at the fruit stand. Robert and his mother would set up each morning and leave a coffee can on the table. Customers paid by leaving the money in the can using the honor system. The bus would drop Robert off after school and he would work his stand until it got dark and his mother took him home for his bath and supper. By the time Robert was nine years old, he had hired a neighbor lady to work f
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Family owned and operated since 1959. We specialize in rare and exotic tropical fruits and fresh tropical fruit milkshakes.
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